Types of High Blood Pressure

This constitutes majority of the high blood pressure in the world today. Majority of the high blood pressure in this world is due to faulty living habits with excess of fast food, fatty food, obesity, alcohol, high salt food and sedentary behaviour. In these people the genes of the person may also play some role. The effect of genes can however be mitigated with appropriate lifestyle and life habits of eating and exercise.
Some additional causes are also responsible for high blood pressure in a minority of people. These may be connected with:
  • Kidneys (Renovascular disease, Chronic renal disease)
  • Endocrine organs (Thyroid disorder, Cushings syndrome and Pheocromocytoma)
  • Sleep disorders
  • Coarctation of the aorta
What is low blood pressure?
  • Low blood pressure is mostly a myth.
  • Many healthy people have a blood pressure of < 115/75.
  • Some people have a fall of BP on standing or feel giddy or unsteady at low levels of Blood pressure. They may need medical help, but such persons are very few in any population.
