Bladder Discomfort/Infections
Bladder Infections during Pregnancy and its Cure
Natural cures for bladder infections during pregnancy may be desirable for several reasons, but the main one might be because you want to avoid exposing your baby to drugs that might affect its development.
During pregnancy, bladder infections or UTIs (urinary tract infections) are very common.
As the fetus grows, the bladder is pressed upon by an expanding uterus and must, in general, deal with far more fluids, making you urinate more frequently.
However, the bladder may not always empty fully, so infections of the bladder are even more common, which may need to be treated with antibiotics.
However, the bladder may not always empty fully, so infections of the bladder are even more common, which may need to be treated with antibiotics.
As you wish to avoid taking any unnecessary medication, you want to prevent these problems as much as possible, hence the need to look closely at your nutrition especially during your pregnancy and see whether natural cures for bladder infections are suitable for you.
Some Natural Cures for Bladder Infections during Pregnancy
Foods to Avoid and Foods to Eat
- Amongst the foods to avoid during pregnancy, sugary foods are on top of the list. In fact, infectious bacteria thrive on sugar.
- You might be tempted to cut back on liquids to avoid going so often to the toilet. Not a good idea. You need to increase your fluid intake to prevent infections. Drink at least one 8-ounce glass of quality water every hour.
- Cranberry is one of the best herbal remedies for bladder infections. Sugar-free cranberry juice produces hippuric acid in the urine, which acidifies the urine and inhibits bacterial growth.
Other components in cranberry juice prevent bacteria from adhering to the lining of the bladder. If sugar-free cranberry juice is not available, cranberry capsules can be substituted. always take them with a large glass of water.
- Fresh blueberries are a very effective antioxidant. Anthocyanidins are present in the blue pigment and may prove as useful as cranberries in preventing urinary tract infections.
Bilberries are a type of blueberries and are also good.
- Eat plain natural "live" yogurt every day. It's a good source of calcium and maintains the correct balance of natural "friendly" bacteria in the system.
- Include celery, parsley and watermelon in your diet. These foods act as natural diuretics and cleansers. Celery and parsley juice or extract can be purchased at a health store or made fresh at home if you have a juicer.
- Avoid citrus fruits - these fruits although acidic in taste, produce alkaline urine that encourages bacterial growth. Increasing the acid content in the urine inhibits the growth of bacteria.
- Caffeine causes the muscles around the bladder neck to contract and can produce painful bladder spasms.